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According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "virtually all scientists" agree that climate change is a direct result of human activities. Among other things, we are emitting over 10 billion metric TONS of carbon into the atmosphere every year.


As skiers, as well as inhabitants on earth, our role in the destruction of the planet is clear and simple. We rely on this planet to survive. We rely on the stability of season to ski. So, we must all be avid advocates for the protection of the planet!

What can you do?

Protecting our planet is a task that everyone can participate in on many levels. Take a look at some examples of how you can help!


Individual Actions:

  1. Educate Yourself

    • Read about climate change​ 

    • Read related articles, listen to podcasts, talk to people, and stay updated in the news

  2. Take Action

    • Individual Action

      • Politics: 

        • Vote for and support legislators that support climate mitigation bills 

        • Make your voice heard in your school/work, town, state, and country! 

          • A guide for town action

      • Food:

        • Eat less meat 

        • Start your own vegetable garden 

        • Buy organic and local if possible 

      • Actions:

        • Transportation

          • Drive less (walk, bike, public transit!) 

          • Fly less 

          • Carpool 

          • Don’t idle your car

        • Consumption:

          • Cut consumption (clothes, plastic; anything and everything has a footprint) 

          • Consume responsibly 

            • Learn about the environmental and ethical ratings of your favorite clothing companies:

            • Buy second hand 

            • Use your purchasing power to stand up to companies! 

        • Waste: 

          • Cut waste 

          • Dispose of waste responsibly 

        • Hang dry your laundry 

        • Invest + DIVEST your money responsibly 

      • Home Adjustments: 

        • Start composting 

        • Turn off the lights 

        • Use heating/AC less

        • Purchase hybrid/electric cars 

        • LED lights 

        • Transition to more efficient systems for your home

          • Heating: MassSave offers no cost virtual energy assessments to Massachusetts citizens. 

        • Heat Pump 

        • Solar panels 

        • Instead of cutting your grass, grow a native garden 

      • There are a lot of options and doing any of them will help in the long run!

        • Visit here for more ideas.

    • Group Action

      • Join a Climate Action Group

        • Youth  

          • Join your school club or start one

          • Get involved in town politics 

          • Join a larger organization

            • Sunrise Movement

            • Citizens Climate Lobby

            • Our Climate (For Youth)

            • Extinction Rebellion

        • ​Adults 

          • Join your town’s sustainability group (or start one!) 

      • Organize lobby days with your state legislators 

      • Take initiative with your group in your school, town and state! 

  3. Teach Others​

    • Take what you learn and encourage others to join you! Change can only take place if everyone is on board.


Our Mission

The Race for Snow engages the New England cross country ski community in the fight against climate change through a fun, family friendly event that reminds us all why we are fighting to protect our snow. 

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